As part of our commitment to helping not just our clients, but the wider community, First Wealth has pledged to donate to a number of selected charities, as well as fund raising and volunteering.
So far this year through Robert, we have been involved with Tzedek. This time it was my turn, and it was a great pleasure to present a cheque to The Dragon Café on Monday. I chose this small charity as they do amazing work with people with all sorts of mental health ‘experiences’. We all know someone who has experienced mental health issues. I’m no exception and firmly believe it should be an issue that is not hidden away and should receive as much attention as physical conditions do.
The Café is open every Monday in the Crypt of St Georges Church on Borough High Street and each week has a jam-packed programme of free creative and well-being activities as well as providing healthy and affordable food – all on a shoestring budget. What has struck me every time I have visited is the relaxed, caring, welcoming attitude of everyone involved – from the trustees, volunteers and patrons. Monday was no exception – a beautiful cake was made for the occasion despite a burst water main meaning there was no water! Talking to some of the patrons, you are aware of the real benefits such a space provides and how unique it is. It is a great testimony to everyone involved there that they won the ‘Celebrating Diversity Award’ at the Southwark Arts Forum Awards last month.
I look forward to spending more time at the Café in the future.
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