Well, this month has flown by! We started back on 2 January, so although getting out of bed on that morning was a little more challenging than normal, I feel like we’ve had a cracking start to the year.
After spending the weekend planting bluebell bulbs in the back garden with my daughter, I’m already looking forward to the spring!
As is now customary, we hold the First Wealth Why day on the third week of January each year. The day allows us to refocus on the reasons why we’re in business, our plans to improve the service we offer to our clients and our company goals for the year.
I’m often told off at home and at work for constantly looking to the future, looking at the next challenge and never reflecting on what we’ve achieved and what’s gone well. I know for sure that this drives Petra, Claire and Kerry mad (sorry guys, it’s just the way I think!)
— Anthony Villis, Managing Partner
So, a moment of reflection.
It’s amazing when you stop and think about what we did actually achieve (yes, I know!). Last year we introduced the new client journey, the annual forward planning meeting format and we completed annual tax packs for all our clients in the month of July (no mean feat!). Behind the scenes we also prepared the business for the reporting and compliance challenges of the latest set of European legislation, MiFID2.
Thank you to all the team, your hard work and dedication are inspiring.
It would be fair to say that our vision for the business has grown.
We want to make sure that First Wealth has a positive impact on our clients lives and on the wider financial planning profession. We’ve observed a quiet revolution of financial planning excellence emerging in the UK, and we want to be at the forefront of that development. We plan to use First Wealth as a vehicle for social impact and doing something we can all be incredibly proud of.
We’ve set ourselves three big picture corporate objectives for the longer term.
Claire has a particular passion for the education piece of our plans and we’ve been thinking about how to encourage youngsters into the great profession of lifestyle financial planning.
In early December, Claire went along to Caterham High School, Ilford as part of the Chartered Insurance Institute initiative to go into schools to highlight the fantastic careers and opportunities available to young people.
“It’s been a very long time since I was in a school, but apart from the fact you can’t just wander in unannounced any longer and a few more exciting A Level subjects, not a lot else seems to have changed. I found myself in front of 30 or so sixth form students saying briefly who I was, what I did and how I came to be a lifestyle financial planner. Luckily for the pupils, they only had to listen to me for 5 minutes.
After a brief overview of the profession and entry points from the CII’s Education Officer, there was a game for them to play in teams which was designed to make them think about people’s needs in areas such as protection, pensions and investments based on their circumstances ranging from a successful young DJ to a right-on older couple who had retired.
This went down well and I was pleased to hear some really mature conversations and even heard pupils relating things back to themselves and their parents”.
— Claire Phillips, Partner
We’ve had some terrific feedback on the behavioural series we put together with Professor Kahr in 2017. Building further on the educationary piece, we’re working with Oxford Risk to build a behavioural tool, which will help our clients identify (and hopefully illuminate) the particular biases that may affect their decision-making process. We’ll introduce this in our next Forward Planning meeting.
We’d love to hear your feedback. If you’d like to be involved, please get in contact.
This article does not constitute advice. Anyone considering any form of financial planning should seek independent financial advice. First Wealth LLP is an appointed representative of Best Practice which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You should note that the FCA does not regulate tax advice.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
This document is marketing material for a retail audience and does not constitute advice or recommendations. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
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