12 months ago I walked down a set of stairs in Euston that led me to a basement that was to reinvigorate my life. At the time I had no idea that this place was to have such a big impact on my physical and mental wellbeing, in fact I almost turned around and walked straight out.
The purpose of this blog entry is not to tell you about WHAT Barry’s is. You can read numerous pieces on this written by far more eloquent people than myself, my purpose is to try and tell you WHY you should go.
It seems strange to write a blog on a Wealth Management company’s website about the merits of working out but at First Wealth we see ourselves as alternative financial advisers and we like to do the opposite to most financial services firms. We are an alternative because we tell our clients the truth about money. We give the answers to the big questions ‘when can you stop doing what you no longer enjoy and start doing the things you love?’ ‘What do you need to do to ensure your family is financially secure whatever happens?’ We help our clients to identify, achieve and maintain their desired lifestyle without fear of running out of money, whatever happens. Life is not a rehearsal. Precious time is slipping away. Life is for living.
So it was with this ideology in mind that I decided I needed to practice more of what I preached to clients and my desired lifestyle involved getting fit! That was my starting point for wanting to try Barry’s but in truth it has given so much more.
I had always struggled with just going to the gym, the main reason being I found it boring. Life is too short to go to something no matter what benefits it provides that you ultimately find dull. Boredom is not an issue or even an option at Barry’s. The variety of exercises, the class based approach, the pumping music, the inspirational trainers ensure you get the ultimate high every single time. If you believe that life is for living then Barry’s is for you, as you can’t replicate the buzz you will get from this workout in any other environment
Barry’s can set you up for a perfect day, be the ultimate distraction if you are stressed or even be the greatest wind down. I have made friends who have helped to further inspire me and have even done business there. If you want to meet with some of the city’s finest from every industry possible then there is no better place, oh and I got to meet David Beckham!
First Wealth pay for all our staff to attend Barry’s in the belief that a healthy heart delivers a healthy mind. The focus and intensity that going to a Barry’s class provides is then translated into the same focus and intensity at work. I have taken clients and friends alike, nothing will enhance a relationship between two people like running or lifting alongside them for an hour.
So if you want the ultimate buzz, great friends, improved focus at work, a network of influential people, inspiration that will enhance your life on top of a great work out then that’s why you should get yourself along to Barrys Bootcamp.
Financial advisers can be criticised for not explaining to their clients what their financial situation is. Too much focus on investment jargon distracts from what people actually want to know.
At First Wealth we don’t sell financial products we advise clients on their lifestyle and if your lifestyle is to include staying, keeping or getting fit then your life needs to include Barry’s Bootcamp.
Finally, a few special mentions as I don’t get to thank these people enough. Faisal – the trainer of my very first ever class, his positive mental attitude and overall encouragement ensured I came back again and again.
Alex who has taught me the true meaning of motivation and leading by example something I try to replicate in the running of First Wealth.
Anya – my fitness guru throughout the last year, she has pushed me every step of the way to achieve goals I never thought possible.
Maciela’s words of wisdom pre and post-class and Jemma’s addictive enthusiasm have further enhanced my overall experience of Barry’s. Lastly but by no means least the 8.20 crew, my regular Barry’s cohorts and now friends, you have encouraged me to keep going even when I have wanted to give up!
Don’t be scared of giving Barry’s a try, for me the thought that I almost turned around on those stairs is far scarier than any class could ever be.
Clients of First Wealth are invited to try Barry’s class at our expense. We look forward to introducing you to what is ‘the best workout in the world’ and so much more.
First Wealth are financial advisers, financial planners but most importantly lifestyle planners.
This document is marketing material for a retail audience and does not constitute advice or recommendations. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
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